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Consignment Agreement

Thank you for choosing J. Lynn’s! We are happy to take your items for consignment and hope this is the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship!
• We accept women’s clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories 2 years or newer, name brands, all sizes. We do not accept costume jewelry, lingerie or swimwear. Everything must be cleaned and in very good condition. Clothing must be brought in on hangers, freshly laundered, pressed, odor free, free of stains, holes, broken zippers and buttons. Damaged items will be donated.
You will receive 40% of the sales price of your item when it is sold during the 60-day consignment period.

Attention all consigners: We are accepting Light Winter Consignment two years or newer, in current styling Monday through Thursday of every week. We ask items are freshly laundered, on hangers, which can be returned to you at drop off. In addition, we except Luxe Clothing, Handbags and Accessories anytime.

All Consignment Intake Dates are located on our calendar.

Upon your request, checks are available for account balances over $40 on the 1st and 15th of each month. If you use your account balance to shop, you will receive 10% off items purchased when your account balance is greater than your purchase amount (some exclusions apply). To check your account balance, go to:
• Consigned items will be showcased for 60 days with pricing determined by the shop. After 60 days, unsold items will be property of the shop and may be reduced in an attempt to promote a sale. We reserve the right to include a nominal fee for the processing and handling of items. WE WILL DO OUR BEST TO SELL YOUR ITEMS!
• All unsold items are donated. If you consign an expensive item (e.g. Louis Vuitton handbag) and would like it returned to you if it does not sell in the 60-day consignment period, please let us know when we accept the item and you can collect it once the consignment period is over. Items must be picked up within 10 days after the expiration of the consignment period. Items not picked up within 10 days after the expiration of the consignment period will be considered abandoned and will become the property of the shop.
• You can feel good knowing your unsold items will be donated to: Our Father’s Storehouse at Wildwood Church and other worthy local charities.
• We do our best to protect your items using security cameras and locking cases but we cannot guarantee that something of yours may not be stolen or damaged and we are not responsible for such events. We do not reimburse consignors for lost, stolen or damaged goods.